Le CTAN contient la documentation officielle. Cependant, je les présente également partiellement, au moment de leur sortie, sur le présent site. C’est pourquoi je vous fournis également un lien de recherche rapide. Ne sont présentés que les packages que je maintiens encore.
- biblatex-anonymous (2.6.2), A tool to manage anonymous work with BibLaTeX (rechercher) ;
- biblatex-bookinarticle (1.3.1a), Manage book edited in article (rechercher) ;
- biblatex-bookinother (2.3.3), Manage book edited in other entry type (rechercher) ;
- biblatex-claves (1.2.1), A tool to manage claves of old litterature with BibLaTeX (rechercher) ;
- biblatex-manuscripts-philology (2.1.4), Manage classical manuscripts with BibLaTeX (rechercher) ;
- biblatex-morenames (1.3.1), New names for standard BibLaTeX entry type (rechercher) ;
- biblatex-multiple-dm (1.0.1), Load multiple datamodels in BibLaTeX (rechercher) ;
- biblatex-opcit-booktitle (1.9.0), Use op. cit. for the booktitle of a subentry (rechercher) ;
- biblatex-realauthor (2.7.1a), Indicate the real author of a work (rechercher) ;
- biblatex-shortfields (1.0.1), Use short forms of fields with BibLaTeX (rechercher) ;
- biblatex-source-division (2.4.2), References by “division” in classical sources (rechercher) ;
- biblatex-subseries (1.2.0), Manages subseries with BibLaTeX (rechercher) ;
- biblatex-true-citepages-omit (2.0.0), Correction of some limitation of the citepages=omit option of BibLaTeX styles (rechercher) ;
- bibleref (1.25), Format bible citations (rechercher) ;
- bibleref-french (2.3.3), French translations for bibleref (rechercher) ;
- eledform (1.1a), Define textual variants (rechercher) ;
- eledmac (1.24.12), Typeset scholarly editions (rechercher) ;
- eledpar (1.17.1), Typeset scholarly editions in parallel texts (rechercher) ;
- facture (1.3), Generate an invoice (rechercher) ;
- handout (1.6.0), Create handout for auditors of a talk (rechercher) ;
- hook-pre-commit-pkg (1.1.2), Pre-commit git hook for LaTeX package developpers (rechercher) ;
- indextools (1.7.0), Producing multiple indices (rechercher) ;
- latex-sciences-humaines, (Xe)LaTeX Appliqué aux sciences humaines (rechercher) ;
- ledarab (0.1), Typeset scholarly editions in arabic (rechercher) ;
- ledmac (0.19.4), Typeset scholarly editions (rechercher) ;
- ledpar (0.14a), Typeset scholarly editions in parallel texts (rechercher) ;
- reledmac (2.40.1), Typeset scholarly editions (rechercher) ;
- reledpar (2.25.7), Typeset scholarly editions in parallel texts (rechercher) ;
- tlg2latex (2.6.0), Prepare LaTeX from the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (rechercher).